[Client Q&A]How ABC is helping a teenager be home educated

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We thought you would find this Q&A with one of our clients useful.

Here’s a good example of how we can help:-

What difficulties were you experiencing with your child?
Extreme anxiety around formal learning and unable to attend school.

How did you hear about ABC? (ie. recommendation)
Through another parent that I met at the Lambeth Parent Forum

How long has the ABC team been working with you?
The team started just before Christmas 2016

How was the transition from one provider to ABC handled?
The transition was fantastic and practically seamless. They watched how I was teaching my son and gradually took over by replicating what I did. Then they started to introduce changes gradually. My son was perfectly happy during this transition and accepted his new teacher from day 1.

How suitable did you find the tutor that was placed with your child?
He was perfect, the right temperament, very intelligent and analytical in his approach to everything.

How quickly did you see improvements in your child’s behaviour?
Within a couple of months, the anxiety and aggression that my son displayed particularly around learning stopped almost completely.

What was the first milestone you noticed in improvement and how did it make you feel?
He copes much better with large family occasions, parties and social gatherings which also could provoke social anxiety. It was a year of both my and my husband’s big birthdays and he enjoyed both occasions and I could enjoy myself without worrying if he was OK.

How has it helped outside of the home?
Much more able to access group activities without me being there.

What top 3 improvements has it made to your child’s life?
He has many more friends and has started going to school 2 days a week (without me), he now feels really confident academically. (He cited that as the best thing about working with his tutor) He wants to go back to school.

What top 3 improvements has it made to your life?
I had been home educating my son for over a year and felt pretty trapped in a life that I hadn’t chosen.

It’s amazing to know that my son has a chance to lead a normal life

I feel I have my life back and can even consider going back to work

We have no more aggression and that was pretty hard to deal with even if I could rationalise that it was mainly around formal learning.


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