Support for Communities
Support for Communities
We support various organisations in and around London, alongside communities in West Africa as it is a place that holds a special place in our hearts.
Focus West London
Focus West London is a parent-initiated organisation for children with autism and other related conditions and their families. Parents can gain training, impartial advice, and support to start an ABA programme. They also offer a 12-week taste of ABA in the form of a Saturday Club for children.
We support this organisation by providing our services at a discounted rate. For more information, you can visit their website here: Focus West London.
Focus West London is fundraising to make sure they can continue supporting these wonderful children with Autism, who are so full of potential. If you’re reading this and thinking “What a great project!”, please spare a pound or two, or take a minute to click this link and give it to one of our fundraisers.
Junior’s Place of Hope
Junior’s Place of Hope in Sierra Leone has a mission to provide support for individuals with autism and other special needs in a safe and supportive environment that will enable them to achieve independence and spirit. They strive to provide their members with the skills, knowledge and confidence to be productive and respected members of society.
All Behaviour Consultancy supports this organisation by providing outreach consultation.
For more information, you can visit their website here: Junior’s Place of Hope.
Commit & Act
Commit and Act provide a secure place for girls who have experienced violence in Sierra Leone.
At their ‘girls’ shelter’ they receive competent medical and psychotherapeutic support, clothing and food. It is a safe, loving community where they can live a life less restricted and work through their experiences with the support of professionals.
All Behaviour Consultancy supports this organisation by fundraising. For more information, you can visit their website here: Commit and Act.
Our Work With Health Authorities
In accordance with the National and Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidelines, Transforming Care (2015) and Positive and Proactive Care (2014), we undertake functional behaviour assessments and devise function based interventions. Our interventions are devised with the individual and their family at the centre of our planning. We know that rates of behaviours that are challenging are higher in people with severe learning disabilities and within inpatient settings.
Therefore, our interventions include skill building to promote effective choices and communication skills; such as functional communication training, sign language and augmentative and alternative communication systems.
All of which serve to reduce not only the triggers for behaviours that challenge but also maintain people in least restrictive environments with a decrease in reliance on drugs and medication.
What we do on Saturdays
For the last 15 weeks, All Behaviour Consultancy has been supporting Focus West London Saturday Club. Getting up on a Saturday morning to go to work after a full week supporting families, schools, adults in community based and residential based settings is tough.
Each week, we wonder if we have the energy if our brains will work, and if we are going to be able to give our best to volunteers and children. As the children and parents enter, we remember the progress or indeed the challenges from the previous week. We recall the strategies that worked. We draw from our supervision meeting during the week and with enthusiasm look forward to trying new strategies.
Our team gets to work. Instantly we see and hear the joy in the children’s faces, we see and hear the gains that they make. We glimpse at the parents having protected time to talk to each other, have a hot (not lukewarm or cold) tea or coffee, get their laptops and phones out, and chat about non-Autism-related things and in each of these moments we draw energy and fulfilment.
With each moment we forget it’s a Saturday. The clock ticks and we wonder where the time is going and why it’s going so fast. We think of how much more time we need and how much more time the children need and indeed want! The sessions come to an end. We are filled with the joy and the energy these beautiful children give us and with that we know we are deserving of a large glass of wine.