Behaviour Support for Families and Parents
Parental & Family Support
Supporting Children with ASD and other Behavioural Challenges.
Communication and social skills are common difficulties among children diagnosed with ASD and other learning difficulties.
These struggles can affect a child’s behaviour and make it difficult to manage.
Children with Autism and other learning/developmental disorders may need behavioural support due to the emotional, social and physical challenges they experience on a day-to-day basis.
At All Behaviour Consultancy, we are passionate about providing parents with tools so they feel empowered to support their children’s behaviour, using a positive and compassionate approach.
Get support for challenging behaviours in children
Recent research has shown that parent training can decrease challenging behaviour in children, decrease parental stress and increase parent confidence (Kaminski et al 2018).
Our parent support programs are flexible to meet the needs and demands of individual families.
Every moment or decision a child makes is a behaviour; some behaviours are appropriate and serve well for their needs, and others can be inappropriate and deemed as problem behaviours.
Problem behaviours in some children can be due to the difficulty they have communicating their needs, alongside impaired social skills or perhaps a lower level of functioning.
For example, if a child demonstrates aggression, tantrums and destructive behaviours, this is likely because the child does not understand the appropriate way of communicating when they want something or need to escape.
Many problem behaviours exist because they serve a function, i.e. to gain something like food or attention, or to get away from a difficult task, or a stressful situation.
We will help you create a calm and happy atmosphere at home with our exceptional parent support programs, uniquely tailored to embrace the specific needs and aspirations of your family.
What does our parent support look like?
If you’re a parent of a child with learning disabilities or autism, you may be struggling to manage your child’s behaviour at home.
Or perhaps you’re going through the process of a diagnosis, and feeling overwhelmed with deciding on the right support for your child.
Our mission is to empower parents with unwavering confidence. Through our carefully tailored parental support, we stand beside every caregiver, providing the essential tools and knowledge to lovingly guide their child towards a journey of success.
The aim of the first meeting is to gather an understanding of your values, needs and goals for your child and family. This is conducted through a behaviour interview and observation in your home by a certified Behaviour Analyst.
An assessment is conducted with your child to assess their skills and to develop individual targets to support communication, play, academic and independence skills.
Parents are given ongoing strategies to implement in their homes. Regular observations and feedback are provided to enable parents to use the strategies effectively.
ABA for Autistic Children and other Special Needs
If your child has been diagnosed with ASD or is displaying traits of autism or other developmental delays, getting the right educational support can be a challenge. Children with special or additional needs may require expert support in group settings in order to be able to learn effectively.
When we start working with your child, we observe and assess them in school and at home to thoroughly understand their behaviour and motivations in order to provide detailed, tailored advice and support to all the staff in contact with them.
After examining the reasons behind challenging behaviours, our team act and react in ways that will instil positive and lasting changes.
“We help parents and families understand the individual child and provide them with strategies for behaviour management. The goal is to design an all-inclusive environment where everyone’s needs are met.”
Once these strategies are in place, we remain very much involved in making regular home visits to assess progress and address any further issues.
Consistency is key and with a commitment from parents (and school), it is possible to quickly achieve improvements in behaviour, whilst providing real learning opportunities for your child.
If your child's educational needs are not being fulfilled, or if their challenging behaviours are not adequately managed in their current school setting, we're here to help.
For expert guidance, contact us using the form below for an insightful discussion about our approach and how we can assist your child's development.
Catering to children between the ages of 3 and 18, we collaborate with mainstream and specialist schools across public and private sectors, LEA and CCG funding are approved for almost all of our cases approved.
If you feel your child’s educational needs are not being met by their current school situation, or you are facing problems due to your child’s school being unable to adequately manage their challenging behaviours, we can help.